Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back from DC and resting the knees

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Since my return from vacation, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not gain any weight from my eating out every meal last week. I tried to make good choices and it is definitely challenging when you are a vegetarian.

We slept in every day. What a treat that was. We would go to bed by 8PM (wild party animals, aren't we?) and would wake up at 7AM. We would be on the road for breakfast by 8-9 AM. We had eggs on a bagel with cheese and a fruit cup most mornings. We did have pancakes and fried eggs one day. But they did not taste too good to me. I haven't had a fried egg in 20 years. One day, I had a yogurt cup mid-day to keep me going. I usually had salmon for dinner. One night I had a big salad and a flat bread cheese pizza. We had too many glasses of wine most nights (that is more than one for me). We never had lunch, since we ate breakfast late and dinner early.

My knees were sore when I left to go on vacation, so I figured it would be a good rest for them with no running scheduled. What a mistake that was! We walked 10 miles minimum each day while in DC. By the last day of our trip, there were no more walking left in them.

So this week, I have done NO EXERCISE. You have no clue how scary this has been for me. I need to rest my knees or knee surgery will be in my future. And a funny thing has happened to me. I am not as hungry and not as carb-crazed as I usually am. I have been diligently planning and counting calories each day and not feeling hungry at all. I am keeping that protein count up, eating bean dishes and lots of veggies. My lunches have been egg sandwiches (see prior posting) or peanut butter and sugar free jelly on fiber one english muffin. I do feel flabby, but my weight has stayed exactly the same at 130. It is nice to have more time in my life as well. I usually work out a minimum of 1 hour each day and some days I workout 75-90 minutes. Sometimes 120. I have tracked a ton of fitness minutes in since I started counting. Now, I sit back and think that maybe I should not do so much running. My plan is to try and run 3 miles tomorrow and see how the knees feel. I also plan on going to the gym and do a kickboxing class with weights. I do miss my running (I love it!) and I do miss the weight lifting, but sometimes it is good to take a step back and relax and heal. It is good for the soul!

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