Sunday, August 1, 2010

Today's Run 7 + miles

Wow, today's weather was picture perfect for running.  The temps were in the mid 60's when we started at 7AM and no humidity.  My Florida friends would be sooooo jealous, because I know they are running in high heat and humidity.  

Yesterday, I stayed the course with my meal planning, but swayed off a bit when the hubby left an open jar of dry roasted peanuts out while I prepared dinner.  I have been craving sweet corn and purchased some from the supermarket.   It was just getting placed on the display area, so it was most likely fresh. Well, it was not very good.  Next time I crave sweet corn, I am heading to the local farm stand.  I did end up having some wine with dinner as well. Just one glass.  I did not have dessert, so I am proud of myself there.  All in all, not a bad first day, but I did go over that calorie count (I want to stay in the 1200 range).  Total for yesterday:  1,398.  I went over on, guess what?  Fat by 1 gram.  And I was under on the carbs a bit.

We also went to see the movie, Inception, with Leonardo DiCaprio.  Love him.  The movie, not so much.  The best description of this film was strange.

Today's meal plan is simple.  I have already had one green tea and it is starting to grow on me.  I really wanted that extra cup of coffee this morning, but had the tea instead.  I had a new cereal for breakfast called Optimum Slim & some blueberries.  That was only 369 calories, including my gummy vitamins and calcium pills.

Lunch will be a salad.  Dinner is tuna steak on the grill and some summer squash and cooked spinach from our garden.

I may even have room for a little dessert. I will update with a pic of the salad and dinner later today.  I have provided a link to our planned run from this morning.  I modified it a little as I dropped water before the run and probably added 1 mile to my total, including the run home.  I felt so good running and felt like I could definitely do more today, but my kneecap was hurting and of course, the old hamstring on my left side.  But you definitely have to say today is one of those perfect weather days.  This is what makes New England a nice place to be in the summer.


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